We are updating our current calendar of events for our Kidz Kardz program. We will have the calendar back on our site in the next few days. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us for event locations. - 8/11/11
Kidz Kardz Child ID's - Coming Soon!
New Toll Free Telephone Numbers!
We are now using a new Toll-Free Telephone number for the Shawn Hornbeck Foundation that matches the one that the Shawn Hornbeck Search and Rescue Team is already using. Please update your records with our new phone number.
Foundation: 1-866-757-5329 Search and Rescue: 1-866-757-5319
In a one year period1:
797,500 children are reported missing - that's 2,100 a day!
1,682,900 ran away or were thrown away
203,000 were abducted by family members
198,300 were involuntarily missing, lost or injured
58,200 were abducted by nonfamily members2
Foundation To Launch Child Safety/Public Awareness Campaign
A new child safety/public awareness campaign titled Bring Them Home, Keep Them HomeTM is being finalized. The program will include Public Service Announcements and new tools to help keep children safe.
The internet, radio and television spots will feature recovered kidnap victim Shawn Hornbeck and his parents, Pamela and Craig Akers, addressing a variety of topics, including:
Messages of hope and faith for the families of children who remain missing
Our responsibilities to the communities in which we live - If You See Something, Say Something
Sexual Predators
Community Involvment
Navigating the Sex Offender Registry
Encouraging Children To Speak Up When Someone Puts Them In Uncomfortable Circumstances
Teaching Children That No Matter What Happens To Them, It's Not Their Fault
Two PSAs have been produced and are being redied for distribution. Click on the links below for a preview.
Shawn's Parents, Craig & Pamela Akers address parent's responsibilities and community involvement
New Tools
Once again advances in technology have brought us a new tool to help keep our children safe. The extreme miniaturization of cell phone and GPS technology has made possible GPS tracking devices small enough to easily fit in a pocket, yet still provide excellent satellite reception and cellular network connectivity.
Increased production of these awesome devices has made them available at reasonable prices. We can't put a price on our children's safety, but when we come across a product that works this well and is stil affordable for the average family, we just have to share the good news. We recently had the opportunity to do extensive testing of some of these devices in real world scenarios, and we're so impressed we're working with the distributor to bring you unique Hornbeck Foundation branded devices to enhance you child's safety.
We're also revaming our FREE MyID4Life Kidz Kardz program to make it even easier for you to obtain an ID card for your children. Soon you will be able to simply upload your child's photo to our secure website, fill out a small form with information about the child, then click print. Your card will be prepared and on its way to you within 72 hours!
The campaign will kickoff locally in November, 2009 and regionally soon thereafter. The Akers Family and the Shawn Hornbeck Foundation are finalizing the new initiative to provide no cost public service announcements (PSAs) to any US media outlet seeking to promote child safety through broadcast of the PSAs.
We're excited to annouce our second edition cookbook, Cooking To Come Home To - A Celebration! is complete and ready for immediate shipment. This compilation of recipes from around the country includes family favorites that are sure to become instant hits in your home too!
We've also included supporter submitted remebrances of when you heard the news that Shawn had been found. Many of you shared touching accounts of learning of the 'Missouri Miracle' that will stay with us for years to come. We've also featured missing child photos and case
information for selected long-term missing children from the Midwest, in hopes readers will take a few minutes of their time to look at these age progressed photos and read the child's case information. We sincerely believe it's possible these children may still be out there somewhere, and still need our help.
These second edition keepsakes are available now for immediate shipment. Please use online order form, by clicking on the link below, to place your order. Payment can be made by Check, Credit Card and PayPal. Also available is an electronic version of the 500 page first edition Cooking To Come Home To cookbook, available for download in PDF format. A specially priced bundle of BOTH the electronic 1st Edition and the new 2nd Edition is also available. All proceeds are used to support and expand our many programs to keep children safe and help bring home the missing!
1 - Andrea J. Sedlak, David Finkelhor, Heather Hammer, and Dana J. Schultz. U.S. Department of Justice. "National Estimates of Missing Children: An Overview" in National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children. Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, October 2002, page 5. This study reported on data collected in 1999.
2 - Id., page 10. According to David Finkelhor in “What the Numbers Tell Us” in The Front Line (Alexandria, Virginia: National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, Winter 2002/2003, page 10), many fewer children, approximately 115, suffer one of the extremely serious kinds of nonfamily abduction called stereotypical kidnappings. These kidnappings are crimes that involve someone, unknown or slightly known to the victim’s family, who holds the child overnight, transports the child 50 or more miles, kills the child, demands ransom, or intends to permanently keep the child.